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How to cantaloupe prevent calcium deficiency

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cantaloupe prevent calcium deficiency : Cantaloupe thrives in rich soil. It has many advantages as it can grow
automatically in barren lands and margins.

How to cantaloupe prevent calcium deficiency

Bitter gourd is rich in calcium and potassium. It is capable of eliminating calcium deficiency in women.
cantaloupe is best cooked and eaten the same day it is picked. Young women can protect bone health by
including it in their diet at least once a week.

Diabetic patients can include Cantaloupe regularly in their diet as the nutrients in it help control blood
sugar levels. Jaundice sufferers can get better soon if they eat Cantaloupe mixed with dal and cooked
without adding oil.Cantaloupe makes the liver strong.

Leichin, a chemical in cantaloupe, boosts the immune system and destroys cancer-causing germs. The
fiber present in it curbs appetite. It dissolves excess fat in the body and helps in weight lossJaundice
sufferers can get better soon if they eat cantaloupe mixed with dal and cooked without adding oil.
cantaloupe makes the liver strong.

Leichin, a chemical in cantaloupe, boosts the immune system and destroys cancer-causing germs. The
fiber present in it curbs appetite. It dissolves excess fat in the body and helps in weight loss.

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